Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dry shampoo why why?

Dry shampoo why do you trick me so? You are made by almost every major brand and sold in the $5-50 range depending on which brand you might choose. I've tried several and even some dry powders,  same premise you just shake it instead of spray it, but same difference really. I've tried many of them because I love to get an extra day out of my wash two if I push it. Unfortunately usually I'm only disappointed. Why oh why do u do this to me?  I want to love this product so much. I want to dry shampoo and go most mornings but I just can't get it to work for me.  Maybe theres a trick i need to learn but for now im gonna have to keep on psssing on the dry shampoo. I have however found that on wet hair it makes a great textuizer and that for that last day when you have to rely on an up do to keep it tamed a spritz here and there during styling helps the hair hold the shape you want. But be aware of too much even in these alternative circumstance!

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